Thursday, September 17, 2009

L I F E .

First off, it's mine. Thank You to my parents for making me, but I'm old enough to say IT'S MINE. I've gone through some of the worst struggles ever known to people who know me, but I always made it through; with a smile. I thought the older I became, the easier things would've gotten. I thought maybe God would've given me a break, but apparently, I was wrong. Haven't I learned from my mistakes? Haven't I paid my dues? A smile can go a long way some say. I've had people pick fights with me because they feel like I don't have any kind of trouble in the world just because my smile is so big. Sorry, I was blessed with a smile to light up a room. The pain I've dealt with, I just learned to hide it, but when will I be able to say the smile is real? My tears have become my best friend over the past 10 years, I guess they never want to leave my side. What good friends they are. My best friend tells me things happen to the best of us, I'm glad to know I'm one of the best, but I would be willing to let things happen to someone else for a change. I got teased with the good life for awhile and now I'm back to feeling down and depressed all the time. The suicidal thoughts are no longer there, but I wish I knew how to get rid of this pain.
-when Life gives you lemons, make lemonade, right?
B U T . .
-what if Life only gave me one lemon, what am I suppose to do with that?? Squeeze it into a can of Pepsi??
I just want things to finally be set on track, finally get better, I just want my life to not be falling off sometimes. Do I want it to be perfect? No. But it still doesn't mean it can't get better.
I ' L L W A I T .

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