Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Remember the first day when I saw your face
Remember the first day when you smiled at me
You stepped to me and you said to me
I was the woman you dreamed about
Remember the first day when you called my house
Remember the first day when you took me out
We had butterflies although we tried to hide
And we both had a beautiful night
Remember the first day, the first day we kissed
Remember the first day we had an argument
We apologized and then we compromised
And we haven't argued since
Remember the first day we stopped playing games
Remember the first day you fell in love with me
It felt so good for you to say those words
Cause I felt the same way too
I'm so happy, so happy that you're in my life
And baby now that you're a part of me
You showed me, showed me the meaning of true love
The way we held each others hand
The way we talked, the way we laughed
It felt so good to find true love
I knew right then and there you were the one
I know that he loves me cause he told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
When he stares at me you know that he cares for me
You see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause it's obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts
And he's missing me if he's not kissing me
And when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul.


There's a story I'll never get tired of, and it's the story of the day we met. It feels like we had to climb over mountains to get where we were heading. I was always a girl who longed for her other half, for the one to come along and not only be her partner but her best friend, for someone to understanding when it came down to complications, and I can say it's all in *HIM. Everyone always told me to never look for love, that it'll just come to me, and it definitely did. During that warm Summer night, I met a guy that I barely paid any attention to but towards the end of the night, I caught a glimpse of a smile that I'll never forget. Once we finally showed some interest, I still didn't see what kind of guy he might've been. With long talks on the phone every night, play fights, arguments, and making fun of each other, I fell completely in love with him. Who would've known EVERYTHING I've EVER wanted in a guy, was right in front of me? The man of my dreams, my best friend, my everything, my world is him. At times I tell him how scared I am to lose him, but then he just reminds me how I'm everything he's ever wanted. It's easy for anyone to say they love someone else, but before him, I don't think I really knew what love was. It was hard for me to get over the past but once he opened up his world to me, I saw things more clearer than I ever had before. Being with him all the time, showed me that I was able to stand being with someone for so long and once I was away, I noticed how much I missed him once I started to walk away from him. Even though sometimes he LOVES to annoy the shit out of me, I know he only does it because he knows we always end up laughing. Every second I've shared with him, is way more different than with anyone I ever shared it with and I'm glad I'm the one he's sharing it with. If we were to ever officially part, I know he'll never see another the way he sees me, I can only try my best to keep this relationship lasting longer than any other. It took me awhile to open up my heart and give it to him, but once I did, the feeling was incredible. Whenever I'm down about life, the only thing that keeps me up and smiling, is knowing that I only want to be by his side, forever.

BBM - PerfectlyImperfect.

I've always felt to be perfectly imperfect, was always what it meant to be me. I'm loud but isn't sometimes good to be loud? Sometimes you need to be heard. I get annoyed easily, but isn't it good that I tell you when I'm annoyed so you can help me be in a better mood? I'm picky, but isn't it good to know I've got some standards? I'm small, but at least you know I won't take up most of your bed, so you always can come over to my side and hold me tight. I'm in need of lots of love, but isn't that good knowing you're willing to give me your all? I have more than a million and one things that are my list of how imperfect I am, but isn't it good that I'm not that perfect girl? I'm imperfect, but you still found a way to love me, because I've got the perfect kind of heart to give you to hold.

f a m [ i l y ]

We may not have it all together, but together, do we have it all?