Thursday, March 19, 2009

convo w| *HiM about my blogs

[HiM]: hows ur blogging going?

[ME]: Going better now that I have a laptop and don't gotta do it thru my phone

[HiM]: is it addicting as people say it is?

[ME]: It can vary on some people cuz I know some people use that and write about their whole day like from the moment they wake up to the minute they go to bed, I on the other hand write about my feelings, usually love stuff and I do love writing there but I guess its harder for me to be addicted to it since I gotta rearrange my words so it won't be so much of an essay but a lil poem

[HiM]: is it easy for u write about love stuff?

[ME]: Umm yeah cuz I can write about it when I'm pissed off cuz of it or when I'm happy there's a never a time where I'm not feeling some type of way bcuz of love so I guess it is

[HiM]: do u ever question yaself on why its easy to write about it but its hard to find it?

[ME]: I know why

[HiM]: waiting

[ME]: Well u can write about wat u want, what ure looking for, how u r, how u see love, but its like there's a love store where u can pick out that perfect person

[HiM]: hmm interesting

[ME]: Its not like there's a love store**

[HiM]: lolol
[HiM]: oh shyt, i dead ass believed there was a love store
[HiM]: lol
[HiM]: i went along wit the reading
[HiM]: :-p

[ME]: So since there's no love store, you can write about that perfect, dream girl/guy that people want
[ME]: Lol I wish there was

[HiM]: there's no such thing as perfect

[ME]: Exactly so that's why its easier to write about it
[ME]: Its like a dream

[HiM]: did u post up what ur mr.right would be like?

[ME]: Yea in my latest one I did

[HiM]: imma have to check dat out to see wut exactly it is dat would turn a heartless princess into a heartful queen

[ME]: Lol

[HiM]: lol

[ME]: Lemme know wat u think :)

[HiM]: sure thing
[HiM]: ok expect me to ask questions as im reading...=)

[ME]: Lol ok

[HiM]: 1st question
[HiM]: lol

[ME]: Yes
[ME]: Lol

[HiM]: umm....everyone has flaws, do u really think its a good idea to accept flaws rather than help change dem?
[HiM]: flaws bring pain,hurt,tears,etc.....

[ME]: A lot of people have a lot of flaws, if I like someone, its despite their flaws, if I change the flaws, then they're not really the person I was attracted to
[ME]: I would change them in a way where I'm not changing the person but making it better for a relationship

[HiM]: not necassarily, cuz u could be attracted to someone and see deep down inside dat dey could be a betta person than who dey are

[ME]: Well what would u consider a flaw
[ME]: Here's an ex I can kinda use
[ME]: The last guy I was with was in a gang, I despiseeee gangs and I think lower of guys who are in gangs so that was a flaw he had but seeing that really was a big part of him, I eventually accepted it

[HiM]: -_-

[ME]: He thought one of my flaws were smoking weed so he told me he aint want me to stop but not to do it in front of him

[HiM]: ok but what happens when those flaws start to affect da relationship?
[HiM]: for example...god forbid u get into problems cuz of his gang stuff

[ME]: Like wat kind of probs

[HiM]: or what if u wit someone dat has a flaw of lying too much? how do u work wit that?

[ME]: That's different cuz I wouldn't wanna be wit someone who's flaw is lying too much

[HiM]: that was my ex's flaw :-(
[HiM]: i use to bag her lying and keepin shyt from me a lot
[HiM]: lol
[HiM]: j/k

[ME]: Although I guess that was my other ex's flaw and that was worse cuz everytime he spoke, I thought he was lying and that's what made me think even worse shyt and that's suttin u can't really fix, that's something they gotta fix on their own if they see its hurting you
[ME]: Lol

[HiM]: i guess im da type of person dat would accept flaws, but not to a point where its affecting da relationship

[ME]: Like u said no ones perfect so no matter wat u gunna have to accept another persons flaw

[HiM]: some flaws
[HiM]: not all
[HiM]: =)
[HiM]: next subject....
[HiM]: u promise not to cheat, even with urself.....?

[ME]: Lol
[ME]: No not all
[ME]: Lol

[HiM]: does dat mean no masturbation for u lol?
[HiM]: i dont get it

[ME]: Lmao yes

[HiM]: lol

[ME]: Ima tryna show my "perfect guy" that I'm all his and everything that's mine is his, so ima keep my hands to myself so that when he "comes to get what's his" it'll feel better since it was last touched by him

[HiM]: omgoodness

[ME]: Lol

[HiM]: but what if it turns him on to watch u touch yaself? lol

[ME]: Then its acceptable
[ME]: Lol

[HiM]: :-) ok
[HiM]: still analyzin
[HiM]: ok done

[ME]: Lol

[HiM]: i continued skimming through ya blog and itz crazy how last month u was postin stuff about ur hubby
[HiM]: and now itz gone
[HiM]: =/

[ME]: Yupp

[HiM]: im intrigued by ur mentality and i feel like der's so much i can learn and share wit u when it comes to talkin bout da infamous love subject
[HiM]: :-)

[ME]: Just so you know ... I'm gunna blog our "love" convo :)
[ME]: But don't worry I won't use your real name

[HiM]: lmao
[HiM]: yay i secretly made da blog

[ME]: Lmao

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