Monday, December 8, 2008

there's no I in WE; but there's an I in FRIENDS

Hi, my name is Heartless Princess & I am a sucker for love.

-being in love for the first time, wasn't as easy as I thought. & Yes I use to chase him & replace them.


I've learned. I've grown. & It's come to my attention, that no matter how in love you are, your REAL friends DO NOT get replaced; nor removed.

n o . m a t t e r . h o w . m u c h . y o u . l o v e . h i m .

Make him understand. Your girls might be the only family you have or maybe the best thing that's ever happened to you. Make him understand. HE - can not give you the kind of the love you receive from family or friends. Make him understand.

that's the only way it'll work.

*a l t h o u g h;

You must remember - your friends will always be there. Hater? Nah. Friends are more than happy you're in love; whether it's for the first, second or third time, we're more than happy for you.

do not take advantage of our happiness.

Fell in love? Again? & Now what? You've left our friendship alone. Just to please him. Just to make sure you give all of your attention to him. And our friendship? Burned.

I've showed friends mulitple of times of other friends who's left me behind for an asshole*

*a s s h o l e - any kind of the male gender.

& Now? You've done it too. Me? I was always there. You? Just left me behind for the racoons to eat. But even when I'm laying on the ground, with just a few seconds to live, I'll still make sure that I'll be there.

just know this -

No matter how mad I am, no matter how many times you chose him over me, no matter how bad you hurt me, no matter how many weeks have gone by that we haven't spoken -


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