Saturday, December 27, 2008

why does this PRINCESS blog?

Everyone askes me why do I blog? & even though I mentioned why in my first blog, apparently it still wasn't enough*

*like if anything I ever do is "e n o u g h"

So while doing my Health homework, I was reading up on how to be emotionally healthy and it started to talk about writing down your thoughts & feelings.

Here's a little something something from the textbook.

Some people find it helpful to express their feelings in a journal. Grappling with a painful experience in this way provides an emotional release and can help you develop more constructive ways of dealing with similiar situations in the future. Using a journal this way can improve physical as well as emotional wellness.

Hope that's enough explanation for you bitches.

1 comment:

Stephanie Lxvable said...

LMFAO. i'm about to copy & paste this shit. i hate that fucking question!! haha.